A version of this post first appeared in my newsletter. Subscribe to receive posts like this in your inbox every other Sunday.
Looking forward: “The choices our societies make now can have an enormous impact on the course of the next few decades.” Tim O’Reilly on how to plan for our post-covid future.
Looking backward: “When infrastructure becomes symbolic to a built environment, it is more likely to be maintained.” Ahmed Kabil on the ritualistic re-chalking of the prehistoric White Horse of Uffington.
Looking now: “Sitting in silence in front of a computer for an hour. Some things you cannot explain.” How Quakers are worshipping in Zoom.
“One can think of the architectural differences between platforms as competing governance structures, value sets, and belief systems about how people should interact and thrive.” What urbanism tells us about online communities.
“Do we really trust a computer game to change how people think about the world?” When SimCity got serious: the story of Maxis Business Simulations and SimRefinery.
Sam Altman on how to generate ideas.
“But what if you, the user, had more control over how you could look at information on sites like Amazon, eBay or Etsy?” A new system to allow non-programmers to query web data through APIs.
Slides from my recent presentation about design in the post-pandemic world.