A version of this post first appeared in my newsletter. Subscribe to receive posts like this in your inbox every other Sunday.
“Our old website, which was designed for the old stuff that you would do on Facebook.com, didn’t really fit the new patterns that people were using their desktop for.” Why Facebook redesigned Facebook.com.
“We expect better, we deserve better, we demand better… it’s no longer optional to have good design.” Andreesen Horowitz’s Peter Levine on their investment in Figma.
“Teaching over Zoom has revealed the role that spatial distance plays in education in the first place.” On how moving to teaching online can break down barriers to expressing our humanity.
“On complexity, Pace Layers, and keeping the economy out of alignment”
Are you working on a contact tracing app (or know someone who does)? My colleagues at DesignMap released an insightful report (pdf) on the state of contact tracing.
”Chatting with Glue”: a short comic about “cognitive tools for augmented conversation.” (Via Stephen Anderson, whose new book with Karl Fast is now for sale.)
Speaking of new books from my publisher, here are my notes on Jim Kalbach’s The Jobs To Be Done Playbook. Recommended, especially if you’re responsible for user experiences.
The Harvard Business Review on how to crisis-proof a business by strengthening its ecosystem.
Now that we’re looking for new ways to offer value to customers over digital channels, it’s critical that we become aware of the blind spot in our companies’ digital initiatives.