Are you looking to get into information architecture? Then your best next career move is to attend the Information Architecture Conference. This long-running event is the yearly gathering of the IA crowd. It’s where you’ll hear about the latest thinking about the structuring of information environments and meet the industry’s who’s who. The next edition of the Conference will happen in New Orleans, LA, from April 14-18th, 2020. (You can learn more about it in my interview with the event’s organizer, Vanessa Foss.)

While you’re at it, your second next-best career move is to sign up for the workshop I’ll be teaching at the Conference: Information Architecture Essentials. I’ve designed it as a daylong immersion into the theory and practice of information architecture. You’ll learn the what, why, and how of IA — at a high level, of course. (Going deeper would require several days.) I’ve taught this workshop at previous IA Conferences, and participants have given it great reviews.

Registration is now open for the Conference; you can select which workshops you want to attend when you register. I look forward to seeing you there!