Me: Ooh, X looks interesting. I wonder if I can find a short video about X. [Finds a video on X and watches to the end.]

Recommendation algorithm: Oh, s/he watched X! I know what s/he likes. X! Like? Nay! X is the bread on his/her table, the air s/he breathes, his/her raison d’être. S/he has a visible X tattoo on his/her body. His/her firstborn will be/is named after X. X in continuous rotation, 24 x 7! More X! More X! MORE X!

Me: Whoa, whoa! [Looks around for a way to say “no more X.” Finds a link to hide video about X. Clicks it. The video disappears from the recommendations feed.]


Me: [Idly visits video site.]

Recommendation algorithm: New X video! Oh, and here are three others you may have missed. And these two are kinda like X.

Me: Hmmm. I thought I said no more X. How does this thing work? [Clicks on hide links for three other videos about X. Reloads page.]

Recommendation algorithm: New X video! Oh, and here are three others you may have missed. And these two are kinda like X. Oh, and here are some about Y and Z, just in case.

Me: Really?! [Clicks on hide link for another X video. Reloads page.]

Recommendation algorithm: New X video! Oh, and here are three others you may have missed. And these two are kinda like X. Oh, and here are some Ys and Zs, just in case.

Me: Sigh. [Clicks on video about Z. Watches to the end.]

Recommendation algorithm: Oh, s/he watched Z! I know what s/he likes. Z! Like? Nay! Z is the bread on his/her table, the air s/he breathes, his/her raison d’être. S/he has a visible Z tattoo on his/her body. His/her firstborn will be/is named after Z. Z in continuous rotation, 24 x 7. More Z! More Z! MORE Z!