I’m excited to share with you a new podcast: Traction Heroes. The first episode is now up on the major podcasting platforms. You can also see show notes and get the RSS feed at www.tractionheroes.com. Here’s the backstory.

My previous podcast, The Informed Life, originated as a way to do research for my book Duly Noted. That book launched a year ago. After the initial marketing wave played out, the show had served its purpose.

I enjoy podcasting, but my consulting work focuses on more strategic issues. So I started thinking about doing a show with a different focus. I also wanted a different format: rather than interviews, I wanted a running conversation with a co-host.

When thinking about who this might be, one name popped to mind: Harry Max.

Harry is one of my oldest friends in the IA community. His career has focused more on management than mine, so we’re a good mix. We’re also Rosenfeld Media stablemates: his book Managing Priorities came out last year. He was my guest in TIL Episode 143 and I noted our chemistry.

Which is to say, Harry was my ideal choice for a co-host. I emailed him to see if he’d be game. To my delight, he agreed to give it a shot. Over dinner last year, he suggested a format that got me excited.

I’m not gonna tell you what that is; you’ll have to listen to find out. If you do, I’d love to hear what you think – please get in touch with comments or ideas for possible topics. Onward!