Episode 2 of The Informed Life podcast features my friend Gretchen Anderson. Our conversation focused on how Gretchen wrote her new book, Mastering Collaboration: Make Working Together Less Painful and More Productive.
One of the interesting aspects of Gretchen’s workflow is how she moves between digital and analog information environments:
I am a real analog person. Even writing, I find that that motion of the hand is what gets my brain engaged. And so even the first time I make an outline, I’m often doing that by hand. And I love whiteboards because — again, I like to be able to fit everything in one canvas that I can take in at one time. And I don’t think I’m alone in that. I’ve designed robotic surgery suites and I’ve done genetic analysis equipment. Like I’ve done really complicated things, but I think the goal is: you should be able to grok the system in one go.
I’m aiming to make incremental improvements to the show with each episode. The big new feature with this one is a full transcript, which should aid findability. Hope you enjoy it!